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Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and The afterlife in ancient Egypt

Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and
 The afterlife in ancient Egypt

Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and The afterlife in ancient Egypt



·     Dawn of conscience

"James Henry" gave this name to the history of ancient Egyptian civilization, where the sun of ancient Egyptian civilization shone 7,000 years ago, we have the greatest history, because the history of mankind was dark before the history of ancient Egyptian civilization

"Jean-François Champollion" was also fond of this history, when he said: The imagination crumbles and falls motionless under the feet of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Brain surgery from bc

in the British Museum, Egyptology Department, there is a skull in a glass box written on it: Turbinate surgerybrain surgery — ancient Egypt — 2000 BC.

The Pharmacy in ancient Egypt

Egypt discovered schistosomiasis  before "Theodor Bilharz" from thousands of years ago, and gave a name for this disease "Aaa", as the worm knew and it was called "Harret", as the medicine knew which is "antimony" and it was made from suppository instead of injecting, because Egypt did not know the injections in this ancient time.

  The name of a pharmacy for the ancient Egyptians was 'Pharmaca' and now became 'Pharmacy', they were taking a squeezer from the willow tree to alleviate headaches, and until now aspirin is made from this squeezer after being treated with acetic acid.

 Egyptian mythology 

Ancient Egyptian religion and the myth of "Isis" and "Osiris"

At first, it was God who found himself and was "Non" a dark eternal ocean, 'Amun' "the one and the invisible" created God of air ' Shu', who herniated "Non" to the sky "Nut" and to the land "Geb", then married "Nut" from "Geb", then born " Osiris, Set, Isis, Nephythys" Whose filled the earth from human beings, and this symbol to the union of the soul in the sky with the body " Geb".

"Osiris" was sitting next to "Isis" and her sister " Nephythys ", and on the other side "Set" brother of "Osiris" and with him a group of his evil followers, and in the middle of this group a beautiful wooden box of wood ebony plated with gold and precious stones, and "Set", asks from each one to try this coffin, and who fits it, it is a gift to him, and  the role of "Osiris" comes who known his size in advance, then he enters the box, and the villains who follow "Set" are attacking on "Osiris" and put the cover on the box and they close it well by screws, and then They dance around the box and chanting the chants, "Isis" screams and throws her self on the coffin as she cries, "Set" and his aides attacked and kidnapped the coffin and"Osiris" inside it then went to throw it in the Nile.

"Isis" searched for "Osiris" and found his coffin at "Byblos" (Lebanon)," Set" knew about that, so he cut it into pieces but "Isis" gathered him and cried until the Nile overflowed.

So, "Nut", the goddess of heaven, responded to her, and raised him from the dead, and "Osiris" ascended to heaven, and "Isis" got pregnant from the holy spirit "Osiris", and gave birth to "Horus", the "divine son", So "Set" accused her of adultery, but "Aton Ra" acquitted her and declared that she got pregnant from the "Holy Spirit", but "Set" did not calm, formed in the form of  a black pig, and punctured the eye of "Horus", and Egypt has forbidden eating pig, because 'Set' masquerade in it.

Egypt became celebrating the Virgin "Isis" and the resurrection of "Osiris" among the dead and his ascension to heavens, and her son "Horus", who became the ruler of the country, and the statues of the Virgin "Isis" have spread bearing the baby "Horus", and she's nursing him, and "Osiris" became the God of reward and punishment and the Lord of the righteous, and "Set" subjected to the judgment of gods of "Amon" to be thrown into the fire.

Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and The afterlife in ancient Egypt

The extent of the uplift in the ancient Egypt

When the ancient Egyptian dies, his soul passes through the seven heavens, each sky has its own specifications and its creatures, and then the deceased arrives in the hall of the Court of Heaven, which "Osiris" heads it and in front of him the scale, placed on one of its palms the heart of the deceased and on the other side feather of "Maat" (symbol of truth and justice), As for the " "Thoth" is God of (knowledge) he watches the arrow of the scale, and behind Osiris 42 judges, each of them has a question, including: 

  •  Did you keep your body immaculate? 
  •  Did you kill a soul without a right?
  •  Did you torture an animal?
  •  Did you hang on to the world with chains of gold?
  •  Have you been blinded about the afterlife affairs?
  •  Did you maintain yourself and your tongue of false   testimony?    
  •  Did you know the black magic and desecrated yourself   with it?
  •  Did you always remember God and asked him for   guidance and rationality?
  •  Did you betray your neighbor or your friend who trusted   you on his own property?
  •  Did you take care of the plants and quench their thirst?
  •  Have you treated animals with kindness and compassion   as you would like to treat you with kindness who is   stronger than you?
  •  Did you listen to the voice of your conscience?
  •  Did you hate a human being?
  •  Did you bring satisfaction to your mother's heart and the   honor at your father's house?
  •  Did you give your bread to the needy? And some of the   fruits of your field for the exhausted?
  •  Did you stretch your hand to steal what is not yours?
  •  Were you in any case lying?

The deceased answers all these questions, which the author "Wallice Budge" said about it: These questions of the judges are the most accurate and the finest of what the books have reached, and are complete human legislation, which differentiates between truth and falsehood before The emergence of religions in thousands of years.

After the deceased answers the questions, he adds:

  • I was an eye for the blind. 
  • And a hand for the paralyzed.
  • And a leg for the lame.
  • And a father for orphan.
  • And I didn't make anyone cry because of me. 
  • My heart is pure and my hands are immaculate.

When the heart of the deceased is tipped," Thoth " declares the innocence of the deceased's heart from sins, and "Osiris" declares:

The name of the deceased writes in the Book of Life and sits on my right, the gates of paradise open for him, where he finds rivers of milk, and rivers of holy wine, and wheat crops of gold.

And if the deceased is guilty, his name will be removed from the book of life and he is thrown into the fire.

Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and The afterlife in ancient Egypt

Also among the high-end words are the words "Akhenaten" when he said about his god: "the one and the only, he is the father and mother, and has no father and no son, you created the high sky and decorated it with stars, you are above the capacity of the human minds, you who fill The country with your radiance and overwhelms it with your light ........ etc. ".

Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and The afterlife in ancient Egypt

Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and The afterlife in ancient Egypt Medicine and The Egyptian mythology and The afterlife in ancient Egypt Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 5/30/2020 Rating: 5

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