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Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and The Animal World in ancient Egypt)

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and The Animal World in ancient Egypt)

The Feast of The Nile's Loyalty

It is the first feast that Egypt has known for thousands of years, the ancient Egyptians were taking the ship of the temple which carrying eighteen symbols of the eight angels of the throne carrying the throne of God, and with them, the statue of "Isis" made of alabaster or red granite, and the boats and ships which includes senior statesmen track them, until they reach to the middle of the Nile in "Philae".

In the midst of prayers and hymns, They bid Farewell to Isis in the arms of Osiris (Nile), because the flood was overflowing because of her tears for him.

So the statue of "Isis" is the bride of the Nile and not a girl from the girls of Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

Dancing in ancient Egypt

Dance is the oldest form of expression in humans and the most established in the societal conscience, the ancient Egyptians are pioneers of ballet, where it was thousands of years ago and then in the era of renaissance in 1661 and developed in the 18th century to jump and rise in the air, then the United States of America entered the world of ballet and established the American Ballet Theater and that was in the twentieth century.

In the book of "Lies Manche" (Life in Ancient Egypt): Dancing was on every occasion and everywhere in ancient Egypt  (theaters, houses, excursions, boats, and even in the treatment of diseases), they treated polio cases by dancing and music as a natural remedy to strengthen muscles and this is drawn on the wall of temples and Egyptian relics, they had eleven types of dance, including:

  1.   Theatrical Dance.
  2.    Group Dance.
  3.    Sports Dance.
  4.   Couple Dance.
  5.    Simulation Dance (which is an imitation of humans or animals).
  6.    Acrobatic Dance (they perform formations and pyramidal formations).
  7.    Religious Dance (such as Sufi dance).
  8.    Dance of death (in which slap cheeks and the jump in the air by a group of women standing in circles).
  9.    Dance of wars.
  10.    Solitary dance (the dancer alone wears a belt, and this type of dance is called belly dancing now).
  11.  Expressive Dance (it is a tragedy or drama).

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

The animal world in ancient Egypt

The animal world included "animals, birds, and reptiles such as cobras and snakes", the ancient Egyptians had sacred animals and birds, and even some insects, because they found the strength of the Creator and his greatness manifested in their attributes.

Such as the scarab that reproduce without needing the other, and they were addressing the God "that you found yourself by yourself" and that is why they sanctified the scarab.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)
Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

They sanctified the cat and they called it "Miao", and they considered it as an envoy of divine providence, because they noticed the plague disappeared when the cats increased, and they were putting its grease in the path of mice to do not approach them, and they were making from its gut the surgical sutures and the strings of harps.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

They also believed, since the predynastic era that some animals are close to god, the calf "Apis" is close to the God "Ptah", so they were sanctified it in order to get close to God, while they were slaughtering the rest of the calves and cows for food.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

 As for the monkey "baboon", it was a symbol of the god "Thoth" which is the knowledge god who weighs the heart of the deceased in front of the feather of justice, and then announces at the end of the trial whether the deceased is immaculate heart and hands or not, so the paradise enters, or guilty throws into the fire where the predatory beasts and crocodiles devour him.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

As for the pig, the ancient Egyptians used to eat it in the era of the ancient state, but they have forbidden eating it and considered it a homeland for evil, after the evil spirit for "Set" reincarnated in the shape of a black pig and punctured the eye of "Horus".

But the falcon was from sacred birds, because it is a symbol of the God "Horus", and they found in the falcon beautiful qualities, it is the bird that does not have eyelids, And God does not doze off seeing humans, and always in the heights and glory to God at the top, also, the falcon is the letter "A" in the hieroglyphic writing, and the letter "A" nothing before it, as well as God no one before him.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

And "Hathor" which takes the form of a lioness, she wanted revenge for the sun god "Ra" so she started killing and drinking from the blood of humans, and until her anger stops, they gave her red wine and the gifts, then she drank from wine until lost consciousness and stopped hurting humans.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and Animal World in ancient Egypt)

These multiple deities are only the names of one God, and they were addressing him: "the one and the only who immortalized forever... you don't have a father or a son... you are above the capacity of the human minds".

Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and The Animal World in ancient Egypt) Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Feasts, Dancing and The Animal World in ancient Egypt) Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 6/22/2020 Rating: 5

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