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Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery

Ancient Egyptian civilization - some of Ancient Egyptians' discoveries

*     The Ancient Egyptians were the first to make an airplane

This great scientific discovery was made when the Pharaonic tomb was discovered in 1898 next to the Pyramid of Saqqara, and inside the tomb, there was a wooden structure in the form of a plane, and this structure was preserved in the Egyptian Museum, at first thought, it is a bird structure.

With the development of modern science and the study of this structure again by the Egyptian scientist "Khalil Masikha", it was quite sure that this structure does not resemble the structures of birds, the wings are straight, as well as the backside, as well as there are no legs like birds, and by checking he found the word hieroglyphic engraved under this structure in the sense of a gift's "amon".

On December 12, 1972, it was confirmed that this structure is the first structure of a plane the history has known it, and is now displayed in the Hall of the Egyptian Museum on this basis, and the Swiss writer "Eric Von Denken" confirms this and says that: The ancient Egyptians were the first to know the aviation, and has recently found three papyrus written on it: I want to fly, the writer says that on his visit to the mountains of " Rio de Janeiro" in Brazil, he found a statue that resembled a statue of a sphinx, and he wondered who carved this statue? Were there pharaohs in Brazil? , or did they flew from Egypt to Brazil?

His words are confirmed by the American scientist "Pyrus Gordon", who drew laser lines for this statue and the Sphinx, which are very similar.

Also the pyramids which discovered it in Mexico, which are very similar in design to one of the pyramids of the city of " Tal Al-Amarneh "present-day Minya", on the other side of the Nile River Specifically.

It is really confusing. Did the Pharaohs flew all these distances, or are all these Hypotheses.

On February 6, 1976, this model was examined by three American astronauts, who are " Thomas Stalford, Vance Brand, Derek Celton " working with NASA in the company of the Egyptian scientist Dr. "Farouk El-Baz" and Minister of Culture and Information at the time "Dr. Youssef El-Sebaei" This unique model with a vertical tail amazed them, as d. Farouk El-Baz sought to scientific bodies to rewrite the history of aviation in the world, and has corresponded with Dr. Daoud Khalil, german aircraft designer 'Walter Schneider', and confirmed in a letter dated November 8, 1978, that the properties of the smooth wing and the shape of the vertical tail and the proportions of the model and the flat surface for the belly of the model conforms to aviation theory, and the design is similar to the shape and proportions of the model aircraft years of the twenties and fifties of the twentieth century.

In March 1983, Professor "John Taylor" visited Egypt, and he has more than 217 books on aviation, as well as he is the author of the Guinness Book of Airplanes, and saw the model and told Dr. Mohammed Saleh, director of the Egyptian Museum at the time that this model is undoubtedly a model of a glider, it is not a bird (article published by the magazine World Air Culture in 1987).

On July 23, 1985, the astronaut "Fred Gregory" visited the Egyptian museum with a delegation of 10 American astronauts working for NASA Space Agency, and he said that it is strange from 2000 years ago, the human makes a model that resembles a bird but it is a plane, then it takes many years Before he can achieve flight achievement again.

Ancient Egyptians were the first to use uranium

Atomic scientists mention that uranium is found in the Earth’s interior at a distance of 30 meters at a minimum, and this is indisputable, and it is known that the ancient Egyptians were the first to discover gold and mines from the Earth’s interior, maybe they also reached to the element of toxic uranium and throw it inside the tombs.
As the atomic scientist" Louis Pellegrini" said, the ancient Egyptians understood the laws of atomic analysis, that uranium was a matter known to them and the priests, and they used it to cover the floor of their tombs, which led to the presence of active radiation leading to the disease and death of all those who open the tombs, including  thieves and archaeologists who discover the tombs, as evidenced by the analyzes carried out in 1986 by taking a sample of the stones of the corridor inside the pyramid of King Khufu, and confirmed the analyzes containment these stones on the proportion of heavy minerals "uranium" its radiance proportion reaches to 7.7%, So the ancient Egyptian prepared those stones to use it in the right time and the right place.

The atomic scientist " Louis Pellegrini "confirms that the ancient Egyptians were the first to know the enrichment of uranium material and used it according to proven accurate scientific analyzes, so uranium material alone, if placed inside the tombs, is responsible for death in less than seconds.

Important information about ancient Egyptians 

- Did you know that the first census of the population in history was during the reign of King" Aij-Ibb"?, and he is one of the kings of the first dynasty.

- Did you know that the first girl to ascend the throne of the country was the queen 'Merritt-Net' from the era of the first dynasty?, and ruled alone, and this gives us a sign of the sophistication and prosperity that made the Egyptian woman rule one of the strongest peoples, that is the ancient Egyptian's justice.
- Did you know that the old Egyptian was the first to make mats?, which were an essential part of home furnishings.
Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery

- Did you know that kohl and make-up were used since the beginning of the eras of the ancient Egyptian state?, and they were extracted from one of the oils they used such as oil (olive, castor, henna, lettuce, linseed). 
- Did you know that the ancient Egyptian was the first to discover uranium, gold, copper, and turquoise? 
- Did you know that" Akhenaten" is the only king who united the one God, and prepared the anthems for him to glorify him?
Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery

- Did you know that the old Egyptian was the first to establish feasts and was celebrating the feast of smelling the breeze, and it was called 'Shamus', and the belief for the ancient Egyptian was that that day was the beginning of time, and that the word 'Shamu' means the feast of creation?

- Did you know that the ancient Egyptian was the first to invent the writing to write down his religious and worldly purposes?, and made the ancient Egyptian language the mother of the world's languages, where a recent study that includes the five basic languages proved that it contains more than 2 million words from those languages that trace their origins to the Egyptian language ancient. 
- Did you know that the ancient Egyptian was the first to know the position of the fetus inside the mother’s belly "sonar rays recently"?, and this was by examining a small sample of urine and putting it on some of the grains of barley, and if it grew, the fetus will be a male, and this is also examined on a sample of wheat, and if it grew, the fetus will be a female, and if the grains do not grow, the pregnancy is Liar. 
- Did you know that the ancient Egyptians were the first to play football?, and this game was special for women, as they were the first to practice a lot of sports games such as tug of war, archery, and duel with sticks, and we have drawings on the walls of the tomb of king " Amenemhat "depicting that. 
Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery
Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery
- Did you know that the ancient Egyptian was the first to invent the dice, and it was within the games of King "Tutankhamun"? 
- Did you know that the oldest army in history is the Egyptian army?
Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery

Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery

- Did you know that the first protest and call for a comprehensive strike in history was during the reign of King "Ramses III" in 1200 BC? where workers suffered from tyranny, and gathered at the temple of "Thutmose III" and they said: "There is famine, and we have no food and no robe, and we came here to let the king know", the king replied to them" let the workers work in their jobs again and get everything they want", and the strike has been recorded on the papyrus of "Turin", which is currently found in one of the museums of Italian, and known as a strike "Deir el-Bahari".

Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery

Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery Ancient Egyptian civilization - Some of their wondrous discovery Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 5/05/2020 Rating: 5

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