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Myth of Eye of Horus


Myth of Eye of Horus

Myth of Eye of Horus


This myth begins when the devoted "Isis" approached her deceased master "Osiris", then hugged him, "she gave life again in the organs of the static heart, and gave birth to an heir, and then raised this child in a secluded place, and when he was old enough, she presented him before the great hall in "Ain Shams".

The imagination of the common people was fond of contemplating the image of the mother who hid herself in the delta swamps in which she raised the young "Horus", Until he grown up and become able to retaliate against the murderer of his father.

Myth of Eye of Horus

During that period when "Horus" was born and raised, of course "Set" did not sit idly by, that child "Horus" just encountered many risks and impasses because of him, until after that boy grown up and his tall reached to eight arms (about 14 feet), however, he was forced to make a small box, its length about half an arm to be a hideout for him, by hiding in it, "Horus" prevents "Set's" evils and His hostility, and when that young "god" reached the manhood age he came out of his hiding place in which he was in Delta to avenge for his father.

Myth of Eye of Horus

the issue of "Horus" piety for his father was endearing to the common people, and their imagination reached to avenge for "Horus" and fight his father's enemies and counteract "Set".

Myth of Eye of Horus

The war between "Horus" and "Set" intensified, even that this young "god" lost his eyes at the hand of his enemy and the enemy of his father "Set", then "Set" was overpowered, and finally the god "Thoth" recovered the lost eye of "Horus" by this wise "god" spit on the wound then "Horus eye" has healed, and this method that "Thoth" took to heal the eye of "Horus" is naturally a kind of folk remedy.

Then we find "Horus" who searching for his slain father, crossing the sea aimed at searching for him so that he raises him from among the dead, and to give him his injured eye that he sacrificed for him, and this act indicates his righteousness of the father as mentioned in the Pyramid Texts, The reverence of the "Eye of Horus" which was sacred previously in ancient Egyptian traditions and rituals was increased until it became a symbol of every sacrifice, Therefore every gift to God was could be called the "Eye of Horus".

Myth of Eye of Horus

The Holy Eye of Horus was considered the greatest widespread symbol that had great respect in the ancient Egyptian religion, so we see tens of thousands of eyes made of pottery painted blue or green and other from precious stones, and in fact, those eyes that we see today are only keepsakes and symbols of that old story for "Horus" and his righteousness to his father.

Myth of Eye of Horus

Myth of Eye of Horus

Myth of Eye of Horus Myth of Eye of Horus Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 1/14/2021 Rating: 5

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