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Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

Great Characters in ancient Egypt

· Queen "Merritt Net"

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

She was the first queen to rule the world in 7,600 years.

"Walter Emery", an Egyptologist who lived in Egypt for forty years, discovered eight tombs for the first dynasty, including the tomb of Queen "Merritt Net", Radiant carbon determined the age of these mummies and were about 7,000 years ago, "Emery" said: It is the greatest tomb in ancient history, the tomb of Queen "Merritt Net", this tomb has a dining room and a table in the form of a heart, either the second room, on every column the image of the Queen in a special costume, and the third room is the Queen's bedroom.

·      King "Seti I"

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

After the king "Hor Moheb" ruled thirty years, a new dynasty began, the 19th dynasty, the military man took over the rule was a military fellow for "Hor Moheb", and his name was "Ramesses I" ruled for two years, then his son "Seti I" took over the rule who ruled 13 years, and then 'Ramesses II' who ruled 67 years.

"Seti I" was the commander of the cavalry, and unfortunately revolutions took place at the beginning of his rule, from the east, "Kadesh, Libya, North Africa", defeated them all, and "Seti" recorded his battles on the walls of temples, which is the tradition that his successors followed after him.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

"Seti" has been interested in mines, especially gold mines, there is a papyrus in the Museum of Turin in Italy, this papyrus shows the ways to these mines, and it is the oldest geographic historical document about the gold mines in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

The greatest tomb in the Valley of the Kings is the tomb of "Seti I", which was discovered by "Belzoni" in 1817 AD, this tomb has a length of 105 meters, and the rest of it has not yet been discovered.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

(the walls of the burial chamber), you will see the "Isthmus", and a visualization of paradise on its right and hell on its left, not only this, but you will see the story of the "destruction of mankind" on the walls of the tomb: ( "Ra" got angry at humans, so "Hathor" transformed to the lioness that does not stop shedding their blood and drinking it, so "Thoth" the god of knowledge and " Shu" the god of air, they must be filled the "lake Mariout" with red wine, When "Hathor" saw wine, she thought it is blood and drank from it, then she lost consciousness and stopped hurting humans, and then transformed "Hathor" to Cow, and became the throne of the God "Ra" and ascended by him to heaven, when the air (the oxygen) decreased, her four legs trembled, then each leg was carried by two angels, and they became eight so as not to lose her powers).

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

As for the coffin, it was found empty and is now in London, while the mummy was found in "Deir el-Bahari" 70 years after the coffin was found, and this mummy is in the best condition and is in the Egyptian Museum, and the Temple of "Seti I" in "Abydos" (Sohag) in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

·      Alexander the Great

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt

Alexander the Great loved Egypt and the ancient Egyptian civilization, and believed in their religion "Ammonia" because he knew that the word "Amun" means the one and the hidden one who no one realizes, and he is above the capacity of the human minds.

 Alexander said here I will build my city, which I have always dreamed of it "Alexandria", as he was recommended that buried next to the Temple of "Amun" in "Siwa Oasis", Alexander the Great built 17 cities named "Alexandria" in the ancient world, all of which were disappeared except "Alexandria" that is in Egypt, because Egypt's civilized stockpile gave it growth and survival.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt


·      The greatest Scientists benefited from the   ancient Egyptian civilization

"Pythagoras" lived in Egypt for 22 years.

"Archimedes" lived in Egypt most of his life, and discovered his great law in Egypt.

It is enough that four of mathematicians "Archibald, Nashis, Mang, and Bal" collected 36 original documents of papyrus in mathematical sciences (3500 BC -1000 B.C.), The papyrus contains earth geometry, laws of triangles, sky geometry, and circle laws, the most important of which is the law of approximate proportion.

The ancient Egyptian historian "Ebor" said: that what you were found from our relics is like the summit of the iceberg floating in the water, and the rest of our relics are still underground

Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Great Characters in ancient Egypt Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 6/28/2020 Rating: 5

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