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"Sinuhe" and classical Egyptian literature

 "Sinuhe" and classical Egyptian literature

"Sinuhe" and classical Egyptian literature

One of the masterpieces of the international stories is the story of (Sinuhe the Egyptian), which was deliberated by many writers, and directed by the world cinema.

The meaning of the name "Sinuhe" is son of the sycamore tree, the hero of the story "Sinuhe" is not a fictional character, but was a contemporary of "Amenemhat I" and his son "Sesostris" in the period from 1991 -1936 B.C, and the story is real, its events have already occurred, and has been introduced by "Rudyard Kipling" in the ranks of world literature due to its qualities from the point of view of composition, language, and style, and therefore it is worthy of representing classical Egyptian literature.

Summary of the story that when "Amenemhat I" died, his son and crown prince "Sesostris" had gone out at the head of an army to "Libya" to punish the outlaws, and he was with him "Sinuhe" who described what happened saying: -( The news came in secret, but it leaked to another son of the king who was covetous of rule, so I expected the conflicts between crown prince "Sesostris" and his evil brother, so I had to run away, so I penetrated Lake "Mariout", and then continued to escape Until I reached the borders of Eastern Egypt, and from it to a town in southern "Palestine", until I met the prince and told him about "Sesostris" and about his heroics, then "Sinuhe" continued saying:- (I stayed in a palace and this prince made me a master of a tribe when he heard about me from wisdom and knowledge, but my nostalgia for Egypt was tormenting me, and there are not enough years as much as ever, so I sent to the King of Egypt to ask him to return to "Tameri" (meaning the beloved land and it is the Name of Egypt), and he replied to me saying, "You will not die a stranger, and you will not shroud in the skin of ewe" I screamed with joy: “ Your mercy, my God ... saved me after my heart misled me ... and I escaped to a strange country "

The king greeted me, I lost consciousness in his hands, the king woke me up and introduced me to his wife, saying: "Look, "Sinuhe" has come back to us in Bedouin form !!

The men of the palace took me and removed from my body the impact of the years, as they brushed my hair, and in the bathroom, they removed the parasites that attach to the body in the desert, I left the sand and slept on the bed after they anointed my body with oils, and gave me a beautiful house so that I could spend the rest of my life in the beloved land.

"Sinuhe" and classical Egyptian literature

"Sinuhe" and classical Egyptian literature "Sinuhe" and classical Egyptian literature Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 8/28/2020 Rating: 5

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