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Pyramid Texts

Pyramid Texts

Pyramid Texts

The pyramid texts provide us with the oldest source reached to us about human thinking by the ancients, such as the pyramid of "Pepi I" and the pyramid of king "Merenre", the walls of the corridors of these two pyramids and their chambers found covered with thousands of lines of hieroglyphic inscriptions, and these inscriptions are called "Pyramid Texts".

these texts inscribed in five of the pyramids of Saqqara, which was considered the ancient tomb of Memphis, In these texts there are references to the rivalries that existed between the kings of the north, and the kings of the south, which indicates that it was written before the 34th century BC, In addition to other paragraphs dating back to the era of the Second Union, that is, at the time when those rivalries were still continuing, and the kings of the South, despite these rivalries were holding the reins of power in the north and maintaining the unity of the state, and all these paragraphs were written viewpoint of the people of the south.

On the other hand, we find that some of the pyramid texts arose in a late-era contemporary of the same old kingdom, such as the formulas that were put to protect the pyramid, the five pyramid texts appeared different between some copies and others, and the last version of it appeared in the early 25th century B.C., so these texts represent for us the state of an era not less than a thousand years, and not far from mind, these thousand years had ended for us from about four thousand and five hundred years, and in fact, such a vast amount of documents which remaining to us from the old world is unprecedented nowhere else in the world.

Pyramid Texts

The purpose of the pyramid texts in general was ensuring the happiness of the king in the afterlife, like every national literature, so the phrases of pyramid texts indicating the expertise of the people who wrote it, and these phrases deal with national life in palaces, roads, and markets, and some of which are phrases resulted from the isolation in the sacred temples, as these texts include the experiments the ancient human in his life.

The important goal of the pyramid texts is to ensure the happiness of the king in the afterlife, so we find the most prominent thing in these texts is the protest against the death, and the word death was never mentioned in the pyramid texts except in the form of negation or used it for the enemy, so you see the categorical assertion again and again that The deceased is alive, and often the formula of negation death be confirmed like this: "you are alive, you are alive,  levitate yourself, you will not die, levitate yourself" and "Levitate yourself, King Pepi, the High King among the stars that do not perish, you never perish".

Although the most important thing in the pyramid texts was the life, that is, the eternal life of the king, these texts consisted of very diverse sources, and since every method and every leverage was used to reach the intended purpose "life after death", so the priests who put this set From ancient literature, which consider the oldest of what has reached us to now, they included in it all kinds of ancient spells which in their view were considered appeared answered.

Pyramid Texts

The pyramid texts contain in particular these topics: funerary rites - magic spells - ancient worship rites  - ancient religious songs - parts of ancient myths - prayers and pleads for the benefit of the deceased king.

Pyramid Texts Pyramid Texts Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 12/04/2020 Rating: 5

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