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The genius of the ancient Egyptians

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

·      Some of the wonders of the Great Pyramid "Khufu"

The mathematician "John Taylor" says: The ancient Egyptians knew the approximate ratio (pi) and we found it represented in the formative forms of the pyramid, if we divide the perimeter of the pyramid by its height, we find (pi) =3.14, as well as the perimeter of the king room by its height =3.14.

It was also known that the weight of the earth is the weight of the Great Pyramid 100 million times.

It was also discovered that the location of the pyramid lies in the center of gravity of the continents, that is, at the intersection of latitude 30 with longitude 30.

Astronomer "Howard Weiss" says in 1837: If one of you stood beneath the descending corridor inside the pyramid and looked through the original aperture as if looking through a telescope, you would see "Sirius star" appear just before sunrise, in just one day of the year.

Thus, the ancient Egyptians determined the beginning of the solar year, which we are still following this until now.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

·    A glimpse of the mathematical and physical sciences in ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians knew the beginning of the decimal count and knew the fractions, and they put units for distance, capacity, and mass, and they knew abstraction and geometric sequences, and they had a tidy mentality and scientific methodology.

·    A glimpse of rocks throughout the history of ancient Egypt

They set up the oldest dam in the world and is the dam of Helwan, and the Rosetta Stone is from granodiorite stone and not basalt.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

·      A glimpse of the plant in ancient Egypt

Their most remarkable discoveries were: the papyrus made from the pith of the papyrus plant, and the ink made from the indigo plant, and the reed pens made from reed straw.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

·      A glimpse of chemistry in ancient Egypt

The word "chemistry" is from "Kimi" and it is one of the names of Egypt, the ancient Egyptians knew gold, iron, bronze, and copper, and they also knew the manufacture of stained glass (blue) by adding "cobalt" from "Iran and Armenia" to the molten glass.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

·      A glimpse of medicine in ancient Egypt

Anise "an ancient Egyptian plant" has an important therapeutic position in ancient Egypt, and "Amenhotep" was the first doctor thousands of years before "Hippocrates", They had ambulance ships, as they knew orthopedic surgeries, amputation under the knee, artificial limbs.

As for obstetrics and gynecology, they treated menstrual disorders, and they diagnosed cervical and breast cancer, also they were skilled in the art of obstetrics and family planning.

They also knew the local and general anesthetic, and the various surgical machines, In addition to they used the penicillin by put the moldy bread pulp in the festering wounds, as they knew dozens of drugs of plant, animal, or chemical origin.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

·      They also knew the calendars and time measurement

The evidence of this is the Papyri of "Lahun", and Pyramid Texts, and the sunrise on the face of the "Ramsses II".

·     Ancient Egyptians knew many industries, including:

The manufacture of medicine, leather tanning, and the art of mummification, and many others.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians

·      Spherical Earth

Ancient Egypt has known "Spherical Earth" and even calculated its circumference, Where there is in one of the papyrus that the sun appears perpendicular on June 21 at noon every year on the city of Syene "Aswan", and the obelisk is casting no shadow, while at the same moment at noon on June 21 in "Alexandria" the obelisk has a shadow, the shadow measure is 7 degrees, according to Egyptian scientists, the number of steps from "Aswan" to "Alexandria" was equal to 800 kilometers in our calculations now, and because they were knowing the laws of the circle, which they called the sky geometry, they were able to calculate Earth's circumference 40,000  kilometers, with a mistake difference not mention with our calculations now.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians


The genius of the ancient Egyptians

All these things indicates the genius of the ancient Egyptians, "Champollion" said: The imagination crumbles and falls motionless under the feet of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

The genius of the ancient Egyptians The genius of the ancient Egyptians Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 6/25/2020 Rating: 5

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