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The Eloquent Peasant - The ancient Egyptian Literature


* The complaints of the Eloquent Peasant

The Eloquent Peasant - The ancient Egyptian Literature

The story of the Eloquent Peasant, It is a story from ancient Egyptian literature, which is a real historical incident that reveals democracy between the people and the rulers.

This eloquent peasant was named "Khun-Anup" and was from the salt oasis "Wadi El Natrun", and was a merchant and not a peasant, "Khun-Anup" came down to the valley loaded with grain, salt and fruits, then he was intercepted by an evil man, this man assaulted him, and stole his donkeys and his money, "Khun-Anupwent to the governor of the province "Rensi" and wrote a complaint to him, The governor was impressed by the eloquence of complaint and then display it to the king, so the king issued "Nebkaure - dynasty 12" - an order to the governor "Rensi" to ignore the complaint until the eloquent merchant writes more complaints, provided that the governor takes care of the house of this oppressed without making him feel, so there were nine complaints, These are a summary of paragraphs of complaints:

-The first: because you are the father of the orphan, and the cover of the one who has no mother, so remove the affliction and establish justice.

-The second: you are the rudder, so do not deviate, and you are the scale, so do not tilt, You are the most knowledgeable people, do you remain ignorant of my matter?

-The Third: don't say lying, you are major, and don't be easy, you are great.

-The fourth: You are fair, and your justice does not exist, you have directed your face to the side of the oppressors, so Who prevent astray and debauchery?, do not be unjust so that the days do not turn against you one day, this is the fourth time that I ask for aid, so should I spend my life in that?

-The Fifth: I don't see you doing anything other than advocate for thieves, people gave you their trust and you gave up on them.

-The Sixth: My grief brings me to farewell, and it pushes me to leave, do not slack in my complaint, that you are doing your affairs contrary to what should be.

-The Seventh: Don't be stubborn, the stubbornness is not from your attributes, there is no life for a poor person, If you do not restore his home in the heart of justice, your neglect will destroy you, and your greed will harm you and will create enemies for you.

-The Eighth: You do not show a merciful face, but you have no escape from listening to me because you do not sponsor for me any right.

-The ninth and last: do not despise who came to you in distress, get out of your slowness, and be fair in your rule.

These nine complaints of this merchant, or eloquent peasant, are a confirmed document of the democracy of the relationship between the ruler and the ruled.

The governor "Rensi" sent to the complainant and said: "Do not be afraid "Khun-Anup", we just neglect you in order to stay with us and write to us, at the will of His Majesty the King".

"Rensi" took the complaints of the eloquent peasant to the king, and the king said: Judge by yourself "Rensi", "Rensi" summoned the bandit, and counted his money, his wheat, his donkeys, and his barley, and delivered him and his money to " Khun-Anup" until he becomes his slave.

The Eloquent Peasant - The ancient Egyptian Literature The Eloquent Peasant - The ancient Egyptian Literature Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 8/26/2020 Rating: 5

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